Apostleship of the Sea - www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk
Briery Retreat Centre - www.briery.org.uk
Catholic Association - Lourdes Pilgrimage - www.catholicassociation.co.uk/
Care Not Killing - www.carenotkilling.org.uk
Caritas Social Action - www.caritas-socialaction.org.uk
Carmelites O'Carm - www.carmelite.org/
Leeds Cathedral - www.leedscathedral.org.uk
Catholic Association - Lourdes Pilgrimage - www.catholicassociation.co.uk/
Catholic Bishops Conference - www.catholic-ew.org.uk
Catholic Blind service - www.catholicblindservices.com/
Catholic Care - http://www.catholic-care.org.uk
Catholic Police Guild of England and Wales - catholicpoliceguild.org.uk
Catholic Truth Society - www.cts-online.org.uk/
Catholic Womens League - www.catholicwomensleague.org
Diocese of Leeds - www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk
Dympna Centre - www.thedympnacentre.co.uk
Family Life Ministry - www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/flm/
Hinsley Hall - www.hinsley-hall.co.uk
Horsforth Comboni Missionaries - www.comboni.org.uk
Justice And Peace - www.leedsjp.org.uk
Leeds Trinity University - www.leedstrinity.ac.uk
Lourdes France - www.lourdes-france.org/en/
Lourdes-Pilgrimage - www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/lourdes-pilgrimage/index.php
Marriage Care - www.marriagecare.org.uk
Missionary Society of St Paul - www.mspfathers.org
National Shrine of St. Jude - www.stjudeshrine.org.uk/
Palazzola - www.palazzola.it
Pax Christi - www.paxchristi.org.uk
St Gemmas Hospice - www.st-gemma.co.uk
Society of St Vincent de Paul - www.svp.org.uk/
Universalis Daily Mass Readings - www.universalis.com
Vatican - www.vatican.va
Vocations - www.ukpriest.org